Foot Detox Patch
code: FDP
Important Facts:These foot detox patch are able to access and assist in detoxing organs and tissues by stimulating your lymph system. When your lymph system works properly, toxins are moved from your blood and organs into your lymph system, then moved from there into the body's elimination channels. Some toxins may be pulled from your feet into the pouches.
They are not like a 'chilli plaster', or a 'deep heat' method. They use Far Infrared Energy to stimulate the reflexology points on the soles of the feet and by doing so, the product affect the whole body's circulation. Foot patches encourage 'self-healing' by promoting improved circulation
The typical contact points on the body chosen would be the soles of the feet. However, it can also be used in areas where there is discomfort, for example: shoulder, back, knee, ankle, elbow etc
For more info log on to Detox Foot Patches
*Read the ingredient list carefully to ensure they are not allergic to the herbs, minerals and other ingredients contained in the foot pads
They are not like a 'chilli plaster', or a 'deep heat' method. They use Far Infrared Energy to stimulate the reflexology points on the soles of the feet and by doing so, the product affect the whole body's circulation. Foot patches encourage 'self-healing' by promoting improved circulation
The typical contact points on the body chosen would be the soles of the feet. However, it can also be used in areas where there is discomfort, for example: shoulder, back, knee, ankle, elbow etc
For more info log on to Detox Foot Patches
*Read the ingredient list carefully to ensure they are not allergic to the herbs, minerals and other ingredients contained in the foot pads
- wood vinegar extract
- bamboo vinegar extract
- chitosan
- plant power
- vitamin C
- tourmaline
- cornstarch
FYI, toksin tu dikeluarkan dalam bentuk peluh, peluh akan bertindak balas dengan herba didalam patch tu dan menukarkan warna patch dari putih ke hitam. Warna hitam tersebut ialah tindak balas peluh (toksin) dengan herba dan bukan warna toksin.
- detoxification
- slimming
- metabolism
- enhance immunologic
- prevent constipation
- improve skin condition
- prevent smelly foot
- cell activation
- anti-aging
- support blood circulation
- improve quality of sleep
- help to relieve the burden on the immune system
- balancing human body internal organs function
Faedah penggunaan:
- kesegaran badan & memberi lebih tenaga
- mengurangkan alergik & toksin
- meningkatkan kadar metabolisma & imunisasi dalam badan
- mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi
- mengurangkan sakit sendi
- melancarkan peredaran darah
- meningkatkan kualiti tidur
- mengurangkan berat badan
- mengurangkan bau kaki
Cara pemakaian:
1. Basuh kaki dengan air (air suam lbh baik) & lap hingga kering
2. Ditampalkan pada tapak kaki paling baik sebelum tidur
3. Bahagian yang berherba dilekatkan menghadap tapak kaki
4. Pakai 5 malam berturut2 foot detox patch
5. Di pakai selama 1 bulan @ sehingga warna patches warna patch tidak kehitaman lg (bergantung kepada herba yg digunakan : hitam/ coklat)P/S :
- For external use only. Use only as directed.
- Do not modify the patches or adhesives in any way.
- Do not use near the eyes, nose, or mucus membranes.
- Do not use on rashes, wounds, or broken skin.
- Do not use with heating pads or ointments. If skin rashes, redness, itching, or other irritation develops, discontinue use. If symptoms worsen or persist, consult a physician.
- Pregnant or nursing mothers should consult a health care provider immediately.
- Discharge from use may extend beyond the adhesive tape.
- Cover patch and foot with a sock to protect against excessive discharge.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
warna selepas dipakai semalaman
1 set / 2 keping = RM 4
10 set = RM 40 (FREE 1 Set)
> 50 set --> FREE 1 Set + FREE Postage
Postage :
kurang 20 keping - pos express = RM3.50
kurang dari 500gm :
- poslaju = RM 6 (Semenanjung) & RM 9 (Sabah & Serawak)